History of Fuzz

Who is FuzzDaBear

His life story...

In March of 2020, one of the Board Members of the Pasco Police Foundation read about the “scavengerhunts” that were taking place worldwide when the “Corona Virus lock downs” were initially implemented. This effort was based on the 1989 children’s book entitled---“We are Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen.The effort was intended to give children/families something light-hearted to do in the midst of a global pandemic. Coincidentally, the bear used in the first ‘photo’ was navy blue, just like the uniforms of the PascoPolice, hence the nickname Fuzz (as inthe Police nickname) , and the personality of FuzzDaBear was born on
Facebook. The intent of this blue stuffed bear was to spread encouraging messages and  positivity one good deed post at a time. Fuzz followed the lead of the Pasco Police Facebook page, known for their unique hashtags. Soon therewere #FuzzFunny jokes (on Mondays), celebration of locally owned restaurants #TakeOutTuesdays andhosting #ThankfulThursdays where the bear (aka Pasco Police Foundation volunteer) would “deliver” Oreos#FuzzLovesOreos, lunches, coffee treats or conduct #BearyKind deeds for essential workers throughout the
Tri-Cities. Soon Fuzz was being invited to birthday parades and delivering flowers or gift cards to essential workers, officers family members who were in car accidents and even putting graduation baskets together for high school seniors (kids of police department employees).

Two board members donated the funds to purchase 64 ‘mini-Fuzz’ bears, with Pasco Police Department logos. People were clamoring for purchase, so we sold a dozen of them and gave the rest away as tokens ofencouragement, expressions of gratitude and occasionally just to make a birthday toddler smile when the police officer drove by. Our favorite was when we delivered lunches to our local emergency room and thehead nurse had a mini-Fuzz bear on her nursing station wearing a face mask. Mini-Fuzz bears are oftenchallenged via the Facebook page to do good deeds or generous gestures thereby promoting popularity andexcitement.

Getting to Know Fuzz via His SOcial Networking

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